MyChoice Accounts by Businessolver

MyChoice Accounts by Businessolver

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Virtual benefits assistant - Sofia helps members find their balance and key account information
MyChoice Accounts by Businessolver - vendor materials
MyChoice Accounts by Businessolver - vendor materials
MyChoice Accounts by Businessolver- vendor materials
MyChoice Accounts by Businessolver- vendor materials
MyChoice Accounts by Businessolver- vendor materials
MyChoice Accounts by Businessolver- vendor materials

MyChoice Accounts by Businessolver Info & Features

MyChoice Accounts are tax-advantaged and lifestyle accounts powered by our innovative technology. Built by industry experts, our proprietary platform integration addresses exactly what employers and their employees need. MyChoice Accounts provides a simple, intuitive platform, a single payment card for all accounts, no-noise account administration and swift issue resolution. Our extensive experience in consumer accounts administration has helped us identify critical pain points in data, timing, and security issues that
often plague FSAs, HRAs, ...

Lives Serviced
Not Provided
Minimum Group Size
No Minimum
3rd Party Integrations
Android Native Application
Dashboard analytics
Employee self-service
Top Offerings
Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
Health Savings Account (HSA)
Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA)
Average Cost
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Key Clients
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Clients Your Size
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MyChoice Accounts by Businessolver Info & Reviews

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MyChoice Accounts by Businessolver Info & Marketing Materials

Company Description - Buyers Guide - Intro to MyChoice Accounts administration. Benefits and capabilities.

Product Summary - ICHRA Overview - ICHRA details, including access to a full insurance marketplace for members.

Product Summary - MyChoice Accounts - Overview of administration, benefits to both employers and employees

Product Summary - Goal Accounts - Lifestyle and goal accounts

Product Summary - Medical Travel Reimburse - Reimbursement account for any type of medical travel expenses

Other - FSA Tips - Getting employees to use their FSA. Thought leadership.

Other - Find the Right Partner - How to select an accounts administrator. Thought leadership.

Other - Communicate HSAs - Tips for helping employees with HSAs understand and use their accounts.

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MyChoice Accounts by Businessolver Info & Comparisons

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3.9 (14 reviews)
Match Score
Reviews pending
Match Score
Reviews pending
Match Score